
  Isaac Asimov
 Robert Silverberg

The book shares the story of planet kalgash which have a total six suns.The planet has not experienced darkness for long but later it was horrifyingly found out that the planet have undergone certain period of darkness.
     At first we might think that what harm could a night do but for a population who never exposed to darkness it was near Armageddon. To make clear what darkness can do to people the author creates a ride through darkness in his story the ride left many mentally impaired and a a few ill lucked dead.
     At first the period of darkness spread as a rumor but later more and more evidences came in but these facts were confined to a few intellectuals who feared that a mass insanity and madness in the population after the event even though they took it as an opportunity to study the mysterious universe that they were  unfamiliar with   the story continues on with many significant incidents
     The major attraction of the novel is that it is written by two authors. Night fall originally a short story by Isaac asimov due to its high popularity he tried to sketch out a novel from it for this he took the help of multiple hugo and nebula award winner Robert silverberg.The novel is written in simple language and don't have any hi-tech technical words that most sci-fiction boast but the story is the most dramatic and have a tinge of human emotions in it.The planets social system is made to resemble more like the one on earth to make the story more plausible.
    The story showcases peoples inherent fear of darkness.It also explains how people or certain groups tend to mislead us in the worst situation and how science can explain things which we think out of our reach.
   As a conclusion I stand with the review by the magazine of fantasy and science fiction “a pleasure............this is a very good book”

 Justin Mathew Joseph 



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