Thursday, August 29, 2013

Ozone layer depletion

Ozone layer depletion is the term used for defining the thinning of the ozone layer because of Global warming and a gas mainly chloro – fluro carbon. Carbon monoxide also has a role in the ozone layer depletion.
                                          painting by Rohn.VII A
These gases together make a hole on the top of the icy continent, Antarctica. The ice bergs  present in Antarctica melt because UV rays enter through the hole of the ozone layer and  this causes flooding all over the Globe .

There is also a possibility to bring back the ferocious ‘’Jurassic ‘’era due to the temperature level  rises. This will also cause extinction of more than half of the whole existing species.

USA reported that their last winter was the warmest on record. The Green house gases, i.e., carbon dioxide are blamed for this change in the climate.

Now carbon dioxide level in the air is increasing day by day. This is all because of Green house gases and global warming.

The NASA reported that global warming is likely unstoppable and they also reported that regions near poles will have rising temperature.

The UN has worked for two years to stop this ozone layer depletion and now the recent news is that the ozone layer is now  is little more thicker .

As a student , and  as a living citizen on  mother earth , we should reduce the use of private vehicles, body spray etc because these lead to the ozone layer depletion.

We should also spread awareness between people to reduce global warming.

Let the next generation live.

Prepared by 

Sandesh Sai Krishnan.

Class VII. A

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