Thursday, August 6, 2015


Harper Lee had written only two novels ,one was published this year and the another a world famous fiction , To kill a mocking Bird , was written in 1960.the novel raised its voice against racial discrimination.

The novel take place in the city of Maycomb .the novel is narrated through the young eyes of Scout ,main character . She is the daughter of a lawyer ,Atticus and the youngest sister of Jem .They are very much fond of each other and they have a friend called Dill ,who spent summer vacation in Maycomb.

The mysterious character Arthur Radley or Boo as the children call him, is a subject matter of think over for readers. The friends conduct many adventure like trying to make Boo ,come out of his house ,all end in failure.

In the second part of the story, we could see that Atticus defends a black man associated with the rape of white girl in the court. Though the black man was innocent, the white court awarded him capital punishment.

In this part we could clearly understand about the racial discrimination practiced in early 19th century in America .

In the third part , Bob ,the father of white girl , tries to kill Scout and Jem , but  they escapes with serious injury .  Bob believed that Atticus made all others to hate him and his position in the society came down .But accidentally he fell on his own knife and died.

Scout and Jem are able to meet Boo at the end because he was the one who save their life from the attack of Bob . At last everything became normal .

 In this story on an occasion Atticus says to them when they were shooting  some birds ,that ‘’ shoot all Blujayes you want, if you can hit ‘em ,but remember it’s a sin to kill a mocking bird ‘’.

 The real mocking bird in the story is Tom who represents the whole black community and had done many things for the welfare of the Nation .But they are still deprived of equality and freedom.

Harpper Lee explores this world with such a beauty that this book will remain in our heart forever.



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